François Morellet. Du Pompidou Mobile au MuMa
from February 23 to May 17, 2013

François Morellet, born 1926 in Cholet, is one of the great figures of geometric abstraction and a precursor of Minimal art. Since 1952, his work has been based on simple systems that introduce an element of chance with the aim of minimizing the artist's subjectivity and choices. Using a variety of techniques, painting, sculpture and neon rods, Morellet also works with architecture. The result is an art of limited means and often light-heartedness described by the artist with a touch of humour: from Defigurations to Architectural Disintegrations, not to mention the stained-glass window at the Louvre entitled L'Esprit d'escalier[staircase wit], the work of Morellet can also be seen as the result of art conceived of like the rules of a game.