MuMa is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary with a line taken from Rimbaud, "When you are 50, you are not really serious", and a vast programme of festivities boasting fourteen exhibitions, events, shows and conferences.
Two exhibitions are running throughout the anniversary period.
"Construire le musée imaginaire" retraces the history of the museum and sets it in the year 1961. "Les Territoires du désir" or "Les Métamorphoses d'un musée imaginaire" is an exhibition-exchange between classical and contemporary artworks.
Twelve special theme exhibitions are scheduled throughout the celebration. They shine a spotlight on a selection of the museum's artworks that tell the captivating story of a collection dating back more than 166 years, enriched over time and by good fortune:
– Dessins anciens du MuMa. Le choix d'un collectionneur
– Charles Cordier, The Nubians
– La Jeunesse d'un musée
– Jean-François Millet portraitiste
– Gustave Doré, An Incident during the Siege of Paris
– Le Cercle de l'Art moderne au Havre, 1906–1909
– Jacques Emile Ruhlmann. Le meuble à fards, l'art déco au MuMa
– Albert Bartholomé, le sculpteur et la mort
– Fernand Léger, Two Women on a Blue Background, 1952
– Alphonse Saladin, artiste et conservateur
– Nicolas de Staël, Landscape (Antibes), 1955
– Le poète et le voltigeur. Jacques Berne et Jean Dubuffet, 40 ans d'amitié